  • Introducing Muscimind Gummies, a nootropic mushroom blend that elevates the mind, body, and spirit.
    • Start with fewer gummies, wait at least 30 minutes, add more if desired
    • Dosing Guide:
    • Micro: 1-3 gummies
    • Modest: 4-6 gummies
    • Macro: 7-10 gummies
  • Introducing Muscimind Gummies, a nootropic mushroom blend that elevates the mind, body, and spirit.
    • Start with fewer gummies, wait at least 30 minutes, add more if desired
    • Dosing Guide:
    • Micro: 1-3 gummies
    • Modest: 4-6 gummies
    • Macro: 7-10 gummies
  • Introducing Muscimind Gummies, a nootropic mushroom blend that elevates the mind, body, and spirit.
    • Start with fewer gummies, wait at least 30 minutes, add more if desired
    • Dosing Guide:
    • Micro: 1-3 gummies
    • Modest: 4-6 gummies
    • Macro: 7-10 gummies
  • Out of stock
    Your best-feeling day is just a bite away. Koi Kratom Gummies deliver 50 mg of Mitragynine per gummy to decrease procrastination, boost energy, and enhance your focus. Made from kratom extract derived from the finest crushed leaves from our Southeast Asia farms. Your go-to kickstart to a strong day or to power through an afternoon slump. • Naturally amplifies mood, energy, and focus • 50 mg MIT (Mitragynine) per gummy Suggested Use Adults take ½ gummy every 6 hours or as desired.
  • When you are nauseous, it is hard to think of anything else until you get relief. Only then can you get back to enjoying the moment and begin to look forward to your next nutritious meal. There are a variety of approaches to reducing nausea, and PatchAid Nausea Relief Patch has many natural ingredients to help. First up is ginger, which is a tried-and-true remedy for nausea. The benefit of using Nausea Relief Patch is that you do not need to brew up a cup of ginger tea or gnaw on a fresh ginger root. Instead, you can simply apply the patch to your skin, which can be more appealing when you are fighting nausea. Another compound in our Nausea Relief Patch that has been used for increasing appetite is frankincense. The patch also contains panchi, or Panax notginseng. This supplement has been among people with nosebleeds or who cough or vomit up blood. Panchi, as well as menthol, has been used for reducing pain from sore throats. In addition, Nausea Relief Patch has camphor, which can be useful for reducing congestion if you have a cold. Nausea Relief Patch:
    • May reduce feelings of nausea*
    • May support normal appetite*
    • May reduce abnormal congestion*
    Nausea Relief Patch offers:
    • A stress-free way to support weight loss along with diet and exercise.
    • No worries about timing your supplements around meals.
    • No chance of an upset stomach due to nutrient absorption.
  • Anyone who has had a migraine knows that relief is unbelievably valuable. It can let you get back to life, friends, family, work, and play. The Migraine Relief Patch from PatchAid is designed to support relief from migraines through certain nutrients and natural supplements. The Migraine Relief Patch from PatchAid has a range of ingredients to support migraine relief in many ways. For example, vitamin B2 (riboflavin) may support healthier metabolism among brain cells, and magnesium may allow for improved muscle relaxation. Ashwangandha is another relaxation-promoting ingredient. Butterbur and feverfew are taken to prevent migraines, and Coenzyme Q10 is taken to reduce the frequency of headaches. The Migraine Relief Patch from PatchAid:
    • May support normal cell metabolism.
    • May support health immune function.
    • May reduce unhealthy cellular damage from oxidation.
    • May support normal muscle relaxation and function.
    The Migraine Relief Patch from PatchAid offers:
    • A stress-free way to support relief from migraines.
    • Contains ashwagandha and Coenzyme Q10.
    • No risk of upset stomach from nutrient absorption.
  • Out of stock
    Menopause can bring symptoms that are noticeable for 4 to 5 years. If you are experiencing menopause, you may be familiar with hot flashes, night sweats, reduction in bone mass, muscle aches and cramps, and trouble with memory. The Menopause Relief Patch by PatchAid has a variety of vitamins, minerals, and herbal supplements to reduce discomfort and symptoms associated with menopause. Dong quai root extract and black cohosh have been taken for night sweats and hot flashes. Herbal supplements such as ginkgo biloba leaf extract may be supportive of memory, which can become elusive during this time of life. Vitamin D is known to be commonly deficient among menopausal women, putting bone health at risk and increasing the risk of muscle cramps. Adequate calcium and magnesium are also required for muscles to relax properly. The Menopause Relief Patch by PatchAid:
    • May support normal muscle function and relaxation.
    • May promote normal immune function and bone health.
    • May support healthy metabolism and energy production.
    • May promote normal memory and cognitive function.
    The Menopause Relief Patch by PatchAid offers:
    • A holistic blend of nutrients and herbals.
    • Black Cohosh and Dong Quai to fight night sweats.
    • A simple solution with no risk of upset stomach from nutrient absorption.
  • Collagen is a substance in your body that helps cushion joints to prevent joint pain. It is also what keeps skin tight to prevent sagging and excessive wrinkles. Without enough good collagen in your body, joints can ache from arthritis, and skin can begin to show age faster. The Collagen Plus PatchAid Patch by PatchAid has three types of collagen to support joint, skin, hair, and nail health. Collagen Types I and III are present in bones, nail beds, and hair. Collagen Type II is the major protein in your knees and other joints, helping to provide cushioning support to prevent pain with movement and pressure.

    The Collagen Plus PatchAid Patch also has components that are used to make collagen in the body. Glucosamine, chondroitin, and hyaluronic acid are all needed for healthy collagen production and function. Vitamin C is needed for your body to produce collagen and cartilage.

    Collagen Plus PatchAid Patch:
    • May support joint health.*
    • May reduce joint pain linked to inflammation.*
    • May help maintain normal skin appearance and function.*
    • May protect cells against damage.*
    • Supporting collagen and cartilage may help you stay in the game and feel better about your appearance.
    The Collagen Plus PatchAid Patch contains:
    • Collagen Types I, II, and III
    • Vitamins C and D3
    • Glucosamine, chondroitin, and hyaluronic acid
    • Black pepper extract
    • Aloe vera
    Collagen Patch by PatchAid offers:
    • Collagen Types I, II, and III, which are present in skin, hair, nails, and joints.
    • Glucosamine, Chondroitin, and Hyaluronic Acid, which are building blocks of collagen.
    • Convenient form without worrying about an upset stomach or nutrients competing for absorption.
  • These gummies come in a pack of 10 with each gummy measuring at 20mg per piece.


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