  • Why would you not want to lose as much weight as possible for your hard efforts? Garcinia Cambogia is a tropical fruit also known as the Malabar tamarind. Native to Southeast Asia and India, it has been used as a flavoring for curries as well as a preservative.

    The peel of Garcinia Cambogia contains the active compound, called hydroxycitric acid (HCA). It has been studied for its effects on fat and sugar metabolism. PatchAid Garcinia Cambogia also contains fucoxanthin (brown seaweed), pomegranate oil (punicic seed extract), and African mango seed extract.

    Garcinia Cambogia Topical Patch by PatchAid:
    • May promote a healthy cardiovascular system.
    • May support energy levels.
    • May reduce appetite.
    • May support fat metabolism.
    Garcinia Cambogia Topical Patch by PatchAid offers:
    • Sugar-free formula – so no sugar crash!
    • 100% natural ingredients.
  • Anyone who has had a migraine knows that relief is unbelievably valuable. It can let you get back to life, friends, family, work, and play. The Migraine Relief Patch from PatchAid is designed to support relief from migraines through certain nutrients and natural supplements. The Migraine Relief Patch from PatchAid has a range of ingredients to support migraine relief in many ways. For example, vitamin B2 (riboflavin) may support healthier metabolism among brain cells, and magnesium may allow for improved muscle relaxation. Ashwangandha is another relaxation-promoting ingredient. Butterbur and feverfew are taken to prevent migraines, and Coenzyme Q10 is taken to reduce the frequency of headaches. The Migraine Relief Patch from PatchAid:
    • May support normal cell metabolism.
    • May support health immune function.
    • May reduce unhealthy cellular damage from oxidation.
    • May support normal muscle relaxation and function.
    The Migraine Relief Patch from PatchAid offers:
    • A stress-free way to support relief from migraines.
    • Contains ashwagandha and Coenzyme Q10.
    • No risk of upset stomach from nutrient absorption.
  • Daily life can be so busy that it is hard to slow down. Common sources of stress include jobs, family, health, school, finances, and friends...for starters! Did you know that if your mind is going a mile a minute, or it is hard for you to unwind sometimes, it can sometimes be related to the nutrients and other compounds in your body? But there’s no need to stress out about getting the right nutrients for your mental and emotional health! If stress threatens to overtake you sometimes,  the Relax and Unwind Patch from PatchAid is designed to provide essential vitamins and minerals as well as long-used supplements to stabilize mood and promote relaxation. Calcium and magnesium help regulate muscle function to allow for proper relaxation instead of causing cramps. The patch has plenty of natural supplements that are used for relaxation. For example, ashwagandha is known as an anti-stress supplement, and GABA is a neurotransmitter that reduces signals in the brain, and low GABA levels are linked to depression and reduced mood stabilization. Ginger is an anti-nausea aid. Relax and Unwind Patch from PatchAid:
    • May promote normal energy production and metabolism.
    • May support normal digestion.
    • May support normal muscle function and relaxation.
    • May promote a more stable mood.
    Relax and Unwind Patch from PatchAid offers:
    • A stress-free way to support mental and emotional health.
    • A formula with vitamins, minerals, and supplements to promote relaxation.
    • Neurotransmitter GABA, which is needed for healthy mood regulation.
    • An option for promoting relaxation without worrying about an upset stomach from nutrient absorption.
  • When you are nauseous, it is hard to think of anything else until you get relief. Only then can you get back to enjoying the moment and begin to look forward to your next nutritious meal. There are a variety of approaches to reducing nausea, and PatchAid Nausea Relief Patch has many natural ingredients to help. First up is ginger, which is a tried-and-true remedy for nausea. The benefit of using Nausea Relief Patch is that you do not need to brew up a cup of ginger tea or gnaw on a fresh ginger root. Instead, you can simply apply the patch to your skin, which can be more appealing when you are fighting nausea. Another compound in our Nausea Relief Patch that has been used for increasing appetite is frankincense. The patch also contains panchi, or Panax notginseng. This supplement has been among people with nosebleeds or who cough or vomit up blood. Panchi, as well as menthol, has been used for reducing pain from sore throats. In addition, Nausea Relief Patch has camphor, which can be useful for reducing congestion if you have a cold. Nausea Relief Patch:
    • May reduce feelings of nausea*
    • May support normal appetite*
    • May reduce abnormal congestion*
    Nausea Relief Patch offers:
    • A stress-free way to support weight loss along with diet and exercise.
    • No worries about timing your supplements around meals.
    • No chance of an upset stomach due to nutrient absorption.


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