I’m sure a lot of us out there have pets. Cats, dogs, birds, you name it. We love our pets, and they mean a lot to us and can feel like family. Sometimes they can have aches and pains, and even anxiety, just like we do. So, what do you do for them in situations where they are extremely anxious and need some relief? What if they are having medical problems and you don’t want to overload their system with different medications? At AHS, we are able to provide potential solutions for your pets. In this blog, we will be discussing CBD oil for dogs, and how it can benefit them and give them a better quality of life.

Let’s first talk about what exactly CBD is. CBD, also known as Cannabidiol, is a naturally occurring compound found in the resinous flower of cannabis. Today, the medicinal properties of CBD are being tested by scientists and doctors all around the world and being shown to be very beneficial to both people and animals alike. CBD is a safe and non-addictive substance used to help with internal and external problems alike. CBD is closely related to another important medically active phytocannabinoid: THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), the compound that causes a psychoactive effect that cannabis is famous for. Both CBD and THC have significant therapeutic attributes. Though CBD does not make a person feel “high” or intoxicated. That’s because CBD and THC act in different ways on different receptors in the brain and body. CBD can actually lessen or neutralize the psychoactive effects of THC, depending on how much of each compound is consumed. Many people want the health benefits of cannabis without the high, or with less of a high. What also makes this appealing is that, like for people, your dog will not get any form of high from the CBD, making it safe for them to consume. So, knowing what CBD is, we can talk more about how it can benefit your dog. The CBD oil is best ingested through their mouths and can be given to them through their food. Like tinctures/oil for humans, the oil for dogs will stay in their system for about 12 hours and works best when taken morning and night. This is so it can stay in their system all day and night. The oil can help with many different conditions.

Anxiety and Stress
Let’s start with anxiety and stress, and how the CBD helps with it. CBD has been extensively studied for its effect on stress and anxiety. In humans and animals alike, it’s been found to reduce anxiety in both healthy beings and those with anxiety disorders and can be effective in those with panic disorders and PTSD. This is helpful for dogs with higher levels of anxiety or are just prone to stress responses. It can help with cases anywhere from generalized anxiety to PTSD that can feel challenging to live with. This is due to how CBD connects to the brain and its receptors. When it connects to the brain, it slows the responses to panic and anxiety, allowing the dog to feel safer and more comfortable with their surroundings.

CBD has also been shown to treat epilepsy and seizures. It’s estimated that about 5% of dogs suffer from seizures, and that can be scary for both the dog and the owner to experience. Most dogs with these conditions are on medications that, while able to help the conditions, can also be extremely harmful to the dog’s liver and other internal organs. And sometimes the medications don’t even do enough to combat said conditions. CBD has been shown to be effective in drug-resistant epilepsy. In one study, 83% of patients with drug resistant epilepsy saw a noticeable improvement within 4 -5 months of taking CBD on a routine schedule. In another study that was done for people that can apply for how well CBD works, 84% of children with treatment-resistant epilepsy who had been taking CBD had a reduction in
the frequency of seizures.

Pain and Inflammation
CBD is also a strong pain reliever in the body. So as mentioned before, CBD can connect to the brain’s receptors and slow down/lessen a response such as anxiety. This can also apply for pain! Scientists are considering CBD as a new class of medication as a treatment of chronic pain since the cannabinoids in CBD work so well for managing pain. Studies show that CBD is highly effective for a few different conditions. An example being decreasing pain, including neuropathy and nerve-related pain, this generally applies more to older dogs. And decreasing inflammation in the body, this can include internal (such as in the organs) or external (such as on the skin.) Animal studies show that CBD is effective is counteracting colitis (IBD) and restoring normal gut motility in IBD. CBD can also support Cardiovascular health and heart health. Studies show it can reduce the damage from impaired blood vessels and abnormal heart rates, protect blood vessels from damage and dilate the arteries, and reduce heart rate and blood pressure associated with stress and anxiety.

Along with CBD being good for pain and inflammation, that ties into how it can help with arthritis and hip dysplasia. Dogs are no different when it comes to the challenges that arise from aging. Joint problems especially become common in older dogs, which can lead to pain and having trouble with movement. Arthritis is the swelling and tenderness of one or more joints. The main symptoms of arthritis are joint pain and stiffness, which typically worsen with age. The most common types of arthritis are osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. This can cause your dog to have trouble moving, they usually walk stiffly, and have inflammation and swelling in their joints. Just like people, dogs have cartilage at the ends of their bones within the joints that serve to cushion the impact between the bones as they move around. As dogs get older, this cartilage can erode and weaken, which can lead to inflammation and pain.

Hip Dysplasia
Hip dysplasia can affect any dog, but it’s more common in bigger breeds and is related to a mix of environmental and dietary factors. The health of dog hips is closely linked with the amount and type of exercise a dog gets in their lifetime. While often diagnosed with age, dysplasia is not necessarily limited to older dogs. The early stages of dysplasia can usually be traced to irregular growth rates in puppyhood. Hip dysplasia is usually genetic and begin as a puppy’s muscle mass and hormones increase during growth spurts. The hip is a ball and socket joint, which should move smoothly with a sufficient level of mobility. Dysplasia occurs when space opens up between the ball at the end of the femur and the socket of the hip. In dogs suffering dysplasia, the joint will be loose or underdeveloped, and the two elements will begin to grind against each other. Usually, owners will turn to surgeries or medications as a go to treatment, but luckily, CBD oil may become your new solution. CBD oil is more natural in its components and may be a safer option. Pet owners who are nervous about giving their pets medication often turn to natural alternatives. In the case of arthritis, CBD oil may also be a healthy solution for both human and dogs.

In both cases, CBD is able to reduce the amount of inflammation and pain felt in the body, giving your pet a better quality of life. Adding CBD to your pet’s treatment plan may be valuable with minimal risk to your pet. Several studies have shown that cannabidiol has powerful anti-inflammatory effects, both when taken orally or when applied topically on the skin. One study showed that CBD is so effective against the inflammation caused by osteoarthritis that it may even slow the progression of this degenerative disease by preventing the nerve damage caused by inflammation!

Depending on how you want to give care to your dog, why not give CBD a try? At AHS, we have specialists and a nurse on staff who can answer any questions you may have about CBD or treatment plans for your furry companion.